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Hi there! I was wondering how the steam release was going? I am very excited to see this on steam!

I do have a suggestion as well. Bug/Suggestion forms would be nice in case something flies under your radar or if someone has a good idea they want to share! I would say a discord would be nice convenience for the forms and the community but those things are hell to set-up. Google forms might be good alternative.

I hope progress is going smoothly!


Thanks for the feedback, I am currently planning out the steam release, with a big update. I will look into Google Forms for bug reports.


the google form is done!

Thank you so much! I will be sure to use it and I am sure others will be happy with it. The design of the form is sick as well.

I am excited for this steam release and update, I look forward to it!

(4 edits) (+1)

this is such a gem. The art and music are so synchronized and paint such a bloody picture. My only feedback - please include doors on the map and save rooms right before bosses!

oh, and I really would’ve loved if more upgrades changed mobility (instead of being weapons). The weapons make them feel more like keys than abilities, which kind of takes away from the Metroidvania feel

by the way, are you a black moth super rainbow fan? I get a lot of their album art vibes 

Thanks for the feedback! I will work on the map UI more.

More movement upgrades are planned for later areas, the weapon system is less metroid-like and more inspired by Symphony of the Night and Terraria I like a wacky huge arsenal.

And yes, I AM a BMSR fan, they're a huge inspiration!

(1 edit)

oh great, very much looking forward to the official release!  Great job so far 

a side idea though - the weapons could double as mobility upgrades? Like how Guacamelee did it, every new move changed combat as well as mobility

love that you’re a bmsr fan! Not often I find a Metroidvania fan that has my taste in music or vice versa 

Thanks, I will release small demos every so often, a lot of content is planned, and a lot of assets are already done.

I may consider a more diverse movement kit, but this comes with the downside of reworking the map.

BMSR is the best band, I've even put a secret Cobra Juicy that can replace a bone in the Cavern Freak fight!

yea I mean, the games great without the movement upgrades. Just what I’m used to I suppose.

Good luck with the rest of development!

Very nice demo! The health-on-hit ability is a little strong at the moment, but I love the map design and how it feels to move around. The "?" on rooms with secrets is a nice touch so you don't have to bump into every wall lol. Keep up the good work, this is going to turn out great! P.S. I love your art style :)


Thanks! I figured the health on hit ability was a bit overpowered, It can basically keep you alive forever. I kept it as is for now seeing as it is a demo, and I don't mind people cheesing it for now.

Good job on the score as well!